Remember to

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I dah start bosan with my work. May be company lama my work overload. Bila kerjer tak banyak terasa boring yaaa amat. Even my role in this company more ????. Banyak settlekan masalah yang melibatkatkan people ratherkan solve basis problem. For me kerjer mengarang email lagi remeh dari troubleshooting. I am the super basis women. Proof and do it (on my way). Tak ramai girlz yang buat basis. Most of them are lelaki. Sepanjang kerja selama lebih kurang 5 tahun nie, most of my coll, staff, team semer lelaki. Yang paling best I am the superwomen in basis. Wowwww. I love challenging work, more difficult more experience. Think and do. Don't wait. Start your engine and Go .....Zoommmmm......My target "Managing consultant".

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