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Friday, April 12, 2013

Penang Hill or Bukit bendera - School Holiday March 2013

Yeah, short familly vacation to Penang on last school holiday break 23 March 20113. Just 1 full day at penang hill make both of my kids very tired. dah tak jadi nak pergi tempat lain. Disebabkan cuaca panas kering, hidung Aqilah sampai berdarah2.
Tapi tak per, at the top of the hills pun boleh tengok nice view of penang island, ader beautiful birds. Both of my kids extremly love with animals.
Lets view the picca only snap at " Bukit Bendera"

Scorpion  and giant ulat gonggok

View from train. Time nie dah nak balik dah.

new train

Old train and it's only for  display

Teropong teropong. pandai anak2 mama " in action"

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