Remember to

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Belajar membaca and brain development program.

pregnancy calendar

I’m impress when read blog how can this lady teach her kiddos at home . Aqilah memang suka membaca buku but she don’t know how to read. The way she read, she will open any pages from magazine or buku yang ader picture and she will try to explain the picture using her own words. It makes me ketawa the way she explain the picture. Selalu nyer aqilah will explain in English. Apa yang ader dalam kepala otak dier semer dier cakap. Nak dijadikan cerita, last Saturday we went to Jusco. Entah macamana ader promoter jual educational program. Setelah dengar penerangan dan lihat telatah Aqilah cair jer hati nie buy the program. It cost me RM28++.00. Nak bayar sekali arung idak ler nampaknyer. So I decide go for installment for 2 years. Bila fikir balik terasa rugi tapi bila fikir minat Aqilah tak per aaa anggap jer tur tanggungjawab dan tools for her build up her knowledge. Nak harapkan mama dier nie vocub tak lah banyak sangat. Sekarang nie sebelum tidur, she will ask me to read that book and play Logico Piccolo game together.. So adik dier yang dalam perut nie pun boleh lah belajar besama.


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